
packaged drifter +2

yeah lazy to edit. plus the blog would be freaking long that it'll deter me to read it also.

2nd task at hand. still. gonna shock the poo out of them liao. wahahaha.

i'm really freaking tired also. sigh.

ariek and emyn are working their asses off. the former doing it damn early, the latter due to damn packed schedule. good luck yo~

emyn: entreprenuerial at heart, I DON'T TAKE CHANCES IN LOVE LIFE. =p

this just in: ariek's friend's boyfriend just happily walk past her (ariek's) house to pass her (ariek) her (ariek's girlfriend's) atm card and bank book. talk bout trust.

okay finally done with the filelet stuff. filelet is because it is a file and it is small. this is also the 2nd task aforementioned.

fungry now. packed halfway also. streamed southpark but no time to watch i guess. have to go bingo clubroom tomorrow, send stuff to andri, withdraw to pay yanan, call agents (yes, agents) continue packing up plus procuring items for my china biz trip (i like the word procure, and outsource. hehe)

yeah guess i'm off to sleep as well. nights. or morning. whatever.

EDIT: yesh chiu ish bad emyn mwahaha!