

lazy as in lazy to type in chinese. besides, this english font is nice. i mentioned it last time wat

anyways, this post to tell myself that the kittie has gone. but at least i fed her a piece of ham. never wanted to keep a pet anyway. too much hassle but at least those days gave me a taste of keeping a real pet. i'd always wanted to build mechanical critters for everyone to play, but this is yet a dream to be fulfilled...

oh and yeah i made someone happy today. and she cheered me up too. giving is really more rewarding than receiving ain't it so ehehehhe. but really i'm damn freaking confused right now. what do i really expect in return?

humans are social exchange animals. no matter how you say that you only give without receiving, it's a lie. it's a goddamn lie.

maybe i wanted a person to share my innermost secret thoughts. maybe i wanted someone for me to fool around with? nay. maybe what i'm doing now is what i've always wanted others to do to me. or maybe i'm just lonely. sigh. maybe i just need a psychologist. -__-

oh yeah that's all i guess. going back to s'pore soon. tomorrow night there's this parade which i'm gonna attend no matter what. so no online. next time going online would be in singapore... right now i'm just damn tired. nothing to pack also. traveling isn't fun; it never was. i hate the feeling of not being on steady earth...

but really this holiday is really satisfying. and not to mention not wasted too. hehehe.