ideal career. yeah right.
Your Career Type: Artistic |
You are expressive, original, and independent. Your talents lie in your artistic abilities: creative writing, drama, crafts, music, or art. You would make an excellent: Actor - Art Teacher - Book Editor Clothes Designer - Comedian - Composer Dancer - DJ - Graphic Designer Illustrator - Musician - Sculptor The worst career options for your are conventional careers, like bank teller or secretary. |
Date: 8th June 2008
Location: Seat 18B, UA895, from Hong Kong to
Time: 10.00pm
Date: 31st May 2008
Location: On the bus to
Time: 12.19pm
Today we’re going to
3.39? This is too much for a joke.
Okay. Another 4 semesters to go. Another 80MCs worth of modules to go. Another approximately 20 modules to go. And only 4 B-s allowed.
Where’s the me when I needed it most?
Can’t say that I am not sad. Can’t say that I know very well to move on. Can’t say shit for now.
Peace out.
Date: 28th May 2008
Location: Ru Jia Hotel,
Time: 4.06pm
Stayed in hotel and missed a company visit due to some minor headache, minor flu and serious mental fatigue.
Had a pretty funky dream just now. Fantasy RPG dream. It was like in an RPG game, where you get to this location inciting the glorious deed of assassination of an evil ruler king by a humble farmer. Note: They are all giants and look Viking-ish.
Today’s short dream just started when me and my other friends (I don’t know as to who they are; just that they are there to set up a party) are threading through this large staircases. Catching a glimpse of the king walking, we followed him. We then walked a few stairs up and came to a balcony when this other giant run past by and spotted us. Crouching down while trying to conceal himself behind a huge vase, he initiated conversation with us. Taking out his log note, he jotted down something.
And the weird part is, all this déjà vu thingie is weird. Halfway through the meet-up I suddenly “realized” that I had read this whole thing somewhere previously, and that what he wrote inside the log note, I knew it all. I knew about what he is going to write, about our little meet-up before his attempted assassination, about how excited this bunch of small little humans are, and about his pondering of why one of the them cried excessively towards the end of the conversation.
Yeah, I cried.
I cried because I knew that his effort is to no avail, that his assassination of the king would fail, and that his whole village would be annihilated in the end.
This is also probably the 2nd time that I’ve cried and woke up from a dream. The first time being I dreamt bout my late grandmother.
Come to think bout it, dreams are weird. You are aware of it, yet you cannot do anything about it.
Note to self: Understand more bout this déjà vu concept in the holidays. This is freakishly more interesting than stuff I studied. The first time I encountered this term is in “The Matrix”. One interesting fact that I read is that you are made to believe that this previous experience is actually something that has happened in the past.
Date: 21st May 2008
Location: Unknown. Forgot.
Time: Same as above. Whatever.
At first I thought that I would survive without blogging or whatever. Apparently the whole china government had come to an agreement to blog about blog.
Okay lame joke x2. Blog bout blog. Block bout blog. Meh. And that “HA HA HA” is the famous sarcastic laugh from our trip supervisor mr
Met two more
Things do happen. Sadly I didn’t take any photo with them. Nevermind. 活在当下.
p/s: notice there are capital letters here in this entry. It was all totally my bad.